an exercise in textual criticism

attention all text critics! the following is a little exercise in text criticism that applies our technique to some modern literature pertaining to the dead sea scrolls.

here is your assignment: below are three letters. examine them carefully. answer the following questions.

  • what can you tell me about authorship of the letters?
  • how many different scribal hands were involved in the making of these three letters?
  • what similarities do the three letters possess?
  • are the letters the product of a single scribal school?
  • what is the purpose of these letters?

leave your answers in the comments area below. enjoy!

(keep in mind: if you like this exercise, there are many more letters. these are just the ones i’ve made public ; -)  -bc)

Free Image and Movie Downloads at Virtual Qumran

Locus 77 Dining Room at Qumran

Locus 77 Dining Room at Qumran

i have made available for download several images and video clips of the reconstructed khirbet qumran on the website. you are welcome to download the images for use in your classroom powerpoints and your website. please site dr. robert r. cargill/ if you plan on reposting.